It's been a good year for my Rollie Fingers collection. I really picked it up this year, with my Yount collection slowing down due to the lack of new stuff I needed and some of the through the roof prices some of his higher end cards have been going for. Needless to say I've still been able to pick up my Rollies fairly cheaply and there have been lots floating around.
After a year, the earlier pick ups seem to fade into the night, while the newer pick ups are fresh on the brain.
My favorite most recent pick up has to be the 2009 Goodwin Champions Magician back mini #d 3/8. I had been hunting for one of these since I discovered they existed and had the good fortune to be on the winning end of bidding war. I still picked it up for less than $20 bucks which in my mind was a great deal due to the super low numbering and fact that this card was the only one up for auction that I've ever seen.
My other favorite Rollie accomplishment this year was completing my 2009 Topps Tribute Rollie Rainbow, with not only the Red 1/1 but 2 1/1 printing plates too. The third one escaped me but I'm sure it's in just a good of home as if I'd have won it. I finally found all my other Rollies since the move from Haines earlier this year and plan a doing a nice post with the rainbow. The red refractor is supersweet.
I also picked up quite a few nice autographed cards. A couple that stand out were,
this Canadian Club on card auto. The auction said these were actually autographed to be used as giveaways on booze bottles. Don't know if that's true but a nice card none the less, plus it's a booze card! Don't see nearly enough booze/baseball cross promotions anymore.
This Topps Retired refractor auto was also a nice addition.
And this beautiful UD Etchings #d to 325.
I also have a bunch of other cards that never got posted but with the man cave coming along I'll see what I can do.
One of the first additions of the year were these nice custom art cards I picked up for super cheap.
I did a post about them way back in Janurary.
Do I have any specific goals for the collection in 2011. Well I want to get my have list up and running and I'm planning on linking all the cards in the list to my photobucket sites so that there are pictures of each card. I would love to get my hands on one of the 2010 Sterling book cards he has. And there are a few other things but over all a great year for the Rollie Fingers Collector.
cb out.